Increased Density for Charlotte’s Single-Family Neighborhoods

Increased Density in Charlotte’s New UDO

“Where are Duplexes and Triplexes allowed in the city of Charlotte?” 

New Signle Family Zoning Policy

As of June 1st 2023, the new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) allows duplexes, triplexes, and quadruplexes to be built within all single-family zoning (N1).

Possible Changes to Policy

At the May 22nd City Council meeting there was a Council action referral for staff to recommend alternative options for potential changes to the UDO in regard to allowing duplexes and triplexes in larger projects being developing by-right within residential zoning. This raised a series of concerns from Councilmembers Victoria Watlington and Renee Johnson. Homeowners raised concerns to city council members regarding the potential unintended consequences.

 Watlington claimed, “There will never be enough room to put all the people that want to live in the city in it. This is not the answer; what is, is regionalism.” She also indicated that this policy will displace at-risk households, ““What we’re doing here is instituting a strategy we know is not going to work at the cost of those who are going to be the most vulnerable.”

 Johnson claimed that the issue is bigger than duplexes and triplexes, “This policy issue would not solve that issue that was presented on Monday.”

 Homeowner Jordan Body addressed potential unintended consequences of this policy, “Your neighbor could tear down a house if it sits on an acre lot and build three and you have nothing to say about it unless you have an HOA in your community.”

Where are we now

The committee examined the two proposal options and chose to go with number 2. Charlotte staff will look at providing more context to current UDO but as of now there is no expectation that the UDO will be amended at this time.

Article written by Audrey Smith

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